Event Recordings

Town Hall Ensuring Equitable Access 

12-16-2024 02:26:06 PM

Earlier this Fall, UERU collaborated with the Urban Institute and the USC Center for Enrollment Research, Policy, and Practice (CERPP) on a national research-practice partnership, Exploring the Future of College Admissions. To date, more than 20 universities have signed on to participate, including many UERU members, and initial data collection is ongoing.

This Town Hall will broaden our focus beyond admissions to include other strategies for ensuring equitable access in a rapidly evolving state and federal policy environment. Panelists will share equity-minded, law-attentive resources for leaders, promising strategies from their universities, and important considerations for UVPs who want to create a welcoming and inclusive climate for all students. 


Dr. Bill Davis, Vice Provost for Academic Engagement and Student Achievement at Washington State University 

Dr. Julie Posselt, Executive Director of USC CERPP

Dr. Bryan Cook, Director of Higher Education Policy, Urban Institute

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